The Problem of Parked Cars

“God can’t steer a parked car.” Dr. Darryl Delhousaye

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

Have you ever tried to steer a parked car? As Vizzini said in The Princess Bride, “Inconceivable.” A car must have motion to be directed. And so it goes with humans. There must be action on our part to fully experience the sovereignty of God. Proverbs 16:9 is a great picture of the sovereignty of God and man’s free will both working in concert together. I have never bought into the phrase “Let go and let God.” I much prefer “Start moving and let God.”

Too often we are paralyzed by indecision and inaction because we are waiting for a Mt. Sinai experience like Moses had. But we fail to remember that Moses had to hike up the mountain himself. I am all for faith, trust, and leaning into the Lord through prayer and counsel, but a man or woman must put feet to their faith. They must act. It is in this action and motion that the Lord begins to steer and direct.

Are you parked right now? Do you feel stuck? I think as Christ-followers we default to inaction and wrap it in the camouflage of “Well, I am praying for the Lord to direct me” when the real issue is we don’t want to take a step. Don’t spiritualize your fear, laziness, or unwillingness to act. Make a move. Hit the gas.


Trust God’s Will


The Art of Seeing People