Authentic Living
The Apostle Paul writes in II Corinthians 3:6, “the Spirit gives life.” This life is to be an authentic one since the Spirt of God regenerates a sinner by removing the heart of stone and replacing it with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 33:24-29). When this happens a new believer is given a genuine new life.
Whenever you find something truly genuine, you can usually find someone coming along promoting a counterfeit. There is the authentic, and there is the subtle perversion.
The counterfeit has a lot to do with what we do. We Christians tend to do a lot: We pray; we read the Bible; we get baptized; we take communion; we go to church; we give of our resources; we pursue purity; we clean up our language; we smile more and try to act like we generally have it all together.
We may discover what millions of others have: that it’s possible to avoid the pain and humiliation of genuine repentance and renewal by maintaining an outward façade of spiritual commitment to orthodox behavior.
An authentic Christian life, however, changes your life; the change is from within, and the change is real, not passing. That’s the heart of the matter.
Have you slipped into believing a counterfeit—a legalism which leads only to guilt and fear? Or because keeping all the rules didn’t bring you happiness, have you given up and moved into license—and yet still feeling miserable inside?
As I grow in my own Christian walk, I am finding it less and less complicated: To begin each step you first ask for the desire, and then be open to the change.
Are you ready for a new step—a new step of authentic Christian living?
Are you ready to wake up to the will of God?