A Fresh Start: Following Jesus this Fall
A new school year is a time for new beginnings. It's a time to start over, wipe the slate clean, and make plans for the coming months. For many people, this includes recommitting themselves to following Jesus. If you're one of those people, we want to encourage you! The journey of following Jesus is an amazing one, and it's worth committing yourself to. Here are three basic words to frame your Fall plan of chasing after Jesus, hope, humble, and hunger. Want to walk closer to Christ and then dive into the actions of these words? We believe that you will find these tips helpful!
HOPE. Hope is one of the defining characteristics of Christianity. As Christians, we believe that hope is not wishful thinking; instead, it is a confident expectation. And this hope is not just for some future event; it's a hope that starts right now, in the present moment. If you're feeling called to follow Jesus more closely this Fall, ask yourself, where is your hope right now? Who are you trusting more, Christ or yourself? Plan this Fall to choose hope each day; not in what you can see but in what you know is unseen.
HUMBLE. Humility is another important characteristic of those who follow Jesus. Humility is not thinking less of yourself; rather, it is thinking of yourself less. It's an acknowledgment that we are all sinners in need of a Savior. When we come to Jesus with humility, He can work in our lives in truly amazing ways. This Fall, seek the low positions in life where you can serve someone else instead of a fixation on self.
HUNGER. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness are another key part of following Jesus. This means having a deep desire to live in a pleasing way to God. It's a desire to do things His way, not our own. This means taking in scripture every day. As the prophet said, "I found your word delightful, so I ate it." And when we hunger and thirst for righteousness, He promises to fill us up!
These are all important things to remember as you embark on your Fall journey of following Jesus. Remember that He is always with you and that He will never leave you nor forsake you. If you keep Him at the center of your life, everything else will fall into place. Finally, keep these three basic words in mind: hope, humility, and hunger. We know that if you do, you will find yourself closer to Christ than ever before. So take a step of faith this Fall and see where He leads you! You won't regret it.